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Inert Gas Oven

Inert Gas Oven

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Ultra-High Temperature Inert (Anaerob...


Ultra-high temperature inert gas ovens are critical equipment in industries where high-temperature processing in an inert atmosphere is required, ensuring the quality and integrity of the materials being processed. It is applicable for atmosphere in inert gases such as Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Helium, and Nitrogen. The open-air heavy-gauge nichrome wire heater elements provide a robust heat source to up to 600 degrees. A unique dual-shell design allows for the circulation of coolant and ambient air around an inner chamber filled with inert gas, maintaining stable internal pressure and temperature. 

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Inert (Anaerobic) Gas Curing Oven


Inert gas ovens are ideal for industrial oven applications that involve processing materials in a controlled atmosphere environment, including moisture drying, wafer drying, resin curing for semiconductor packaging, and aging of electronic components and devices.

● 1 chamber or 2 chamber types (standalone control for each chamber)
● Max. 260℃
●O2 concentration below 50ppm

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Ultra-High Temperature Inert (Anaerob...


Suitable for curing semiconductor wafers (photoresist PI, PBO, BCB curing), glass substrate baking, and high-precision annealing treatment, etc. 

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